Friday, January 25, 2008

Photo March for Life

I used my photos to capture those who attended the march but whom I didn't expect to see:




Joe G. from the Penn State Newman Club,

General Robert E. Lee,

and, of course, Hillary.

And here are the pictures of the counter-protest by pro-choice advocates:


Oh, wait, I didn't see a single one another first for this March for Life, and hopefully the beginning of a trend.


Sherry said...

My son got to shake Ron Paul's hand at the march, that was something!

Good photos.

There was nearly zip coverage of it in the Washington Post, figures.

Thanks for stopping by! And the child can be the size of a mustard seed and that still makes for a mom and a dad.

Having an abortion kills a family.

Jennifer @ Conversion Diary said...

What a great thing to do. Thanks for the photos!